
Sunday Confessional

Once again, my confession remains the same. I will justify it by saying I crossed 3 other things off my list that have been on there for a REALLY long time! I rank them higher on my list than exercise, so I am proud of what I have accomplished this week.

What are you proud of this week?


Megan said...

Okay. This week? Last Friday a friend who hadn't yet been to my house drove 6 hours and visited. We took her out to dinner and I had a hickory smoked burger and fries. I've also had pizza twice this week. The Pizza has been home-made, whole-wheat crusts, non-fat mozzarella cheese, etc. And I've had green beans or cucumbers on the side. But I still feel guilty about the pizza - it's easy and pretty fast, but we were supposed to go on 5 solid days of "Phase 1" this week to make up for that burger AND the fact that we're travelling this weekend (Starting at 4:30 am tomorrow for a 7 hour drive) and that will be no time to be food-picky. If my parents take us out to dinner, I want to have whatever I want.

I've also been wearing a pedometer for about 3 weeks. Every day I have to beat my previous number. I've been bad for the last 4 days. For the first two, I forgot the pedometer at home. And then yesterday and this morning I didn't feel like wearing it. I still try to walk around more (having a sedentary desk job makes it tough), but I no longer have the official count to put into my spreadsheet.

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